• 校园神级高手


            纤芸等人刚下飞机,只见几十辆加长版林肯停在机场外,一位身着黑色外套的秃顶大叔,走上前来毕恭毕敬的对面前的几位说:“Dear master, miss, the queen was in the car waiting for a long time, please come in.(各位少爷、小姐,女皇正在车里等候多时了,请上车)”纤芸冷冷的瞥了一眼这位大叔,自顾自的钻上了女皇所在的车,后面的雨陌三人也一起钻进了女皇的车,剩下天宇他们四个在外面,之得和秃顶大叔交流起来“Hello, we ask what car?(您好,请问我们做哪一辆车?)”夜用娴熟的英语与大叔交流着,“Hello, you do is the second car, please take the time to get on the bus, the empress is ready for dinner in the White House!(您好,你们做的是第二辆车,请抓紧时间上车,女皇已经在白宫里准备好晚餐!)大叔说道。“Well, thank you!(恩,谢谢!)”就这样,剩下的四人不情愿的坐上了后面的第二辆车

            镜头转向纤芸她们,“His mother, so anxious to find us something?(母后,这么急找我们有事吗?)”雨陌面对露丝皇后,直截了当的问道,“Well, do you remember the ice, Rui, Jay Kay, the four of them?(恩,你们还记得冰,瑞,杰,凯他们四个吧?}”女皇就是女皇,话语中带着温柔但也有一种让人无法抗拒的力量,凌蝶想了想说:“Remember, is not the and we propose three boy?(记得,不就是当年和我们求婚呢四个小子吗?)”女皇瞪了一眼凌蝶,虽然眼神里尽显疼爱但是口气却异常严厉:“Butterfly, don't be so rude, you are the princess royal family, how can be so weak, they are royalty, nature is worthy of you, but when you were still young so the......


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