• BH穿越冷皇的废后txt

            “ Two players of the Chinese delegation in computer malfunctions miraculously completed tasks at the same time, here, I represent all the judges said yes to you!(中国代表团的两位选手在电脑发生故障的同时奇迹般的完成了任务,在这里,我代表所有评委们对你们表示仰慕!)I want to ask you a question before announced the result of the match, will you?(我想在宣布比赛结果之前问你们一个问题,可以吗?)”在当天下午宣布比赛结果的时候,评委的代表,他是一个英国人,他在向南宫沁玥和欧阳听雪提出了这个可回答而又可不回答的问题。

            “ Good, please say!(好的,您请说!)”欧阳听雪微笑着回答了那个英国人。

            “I'm very sorry, my delegation nangongshan ooze he player because morning hypertension and haven't break, also please forgive me!(非常抱歉,我代表团的南宫沁玥选手因为上午的过度紧张而还未有休整过来,还请见谅!)”轩辕旭然看了看坐在旁边的南宫沁玥,该死的,别让他抓出那个人,不然有他好看的!


            “ But, do you have any question for me is the same, because the nangongshan ooze he and I are good sisters!(但是,您有什么问题问我也是一样的,因为我和南宫沁玥是很好的姐妹!)”欧阳听雪微笑着看向评委!丫丫的,别让他知道是谁在陷害她和沁玥,沁玥有【过度紧张敏感综合症】——(此症状是虚构的,切勿相信)!

            “Oh! It is so good! Excuse me, what is you, then in the remaining ten seconds to comp......


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